Operator Java: Aritmatika, Relasional, Logis, dan lainnya

Dalam tutorial ini, Anda akan belajar tentang berbagai jenis operator di Java, sintaksnya, dan cara menggunakannya dengan bantuan contoh.

Operator adalah simbol yang melakukan operasi pada variabel dan nilai. Misalnya, +operator digunakan untuk penjumlahan, sedangkan *operator digunakan untuk perkalian.

Operator di Java dapat diklasifikasikan menjadi 5 jenis:

  1. Operator Aritmatika
  2. Operator Penugasan
  3. Operator Relasional
  4. Operator Logis
  5. Operator Unary
  6. Operator Bitwise

1. Operator Aritmatika Java

Operator aritmatika digunakan untuk melakukan operasi aritmatika pada variabel dan data. Sebagai contoh,

 a + b;

Di sini, +operator digunakan untuk menambahkan dua variabel a dan b. Demikian pula, ada berbagai operator aritmatika lainnya di Jawa.

Operator Operasi
+ Tambahan
- Pengurangan
* Perkalian
/ Divisi
% Operasi Modulo (Sisa setelah pembagian)

Contoh 1: Operator Aritmatika

 class Main ( public static void main(String() args) ( // declare variables int a = 12, b = 5; // addition operator System.out.println("a + b = " + (a + b)); // subtraction operator System.out.println("a - b = " + (a - b)); // multiplication operator System.out.println("a * b = " + (a * b)); // division operator System.out.println("a / b = " + (a / b)); // modulo operator System.out.println("a % b = " + (a % b)); ) )


 a + b = 17 a - b = 7 a * b = 60 a / b = 2 a% b = 2 

Dalam contoh di atas, kita telah menggunakan +, -dan *operator untuk menghitung penambahan, pengurangan, dan perkalian operasi.

/ Operator Divisi

Perhatikan operasinya, a / bdalam program kami. The /operator adalah operator divisi.

Jika kita menggunakan operator pembagian dengan dua bilangan bulat, maka hasil bagi juga akan menjadi bilangan bulat. Dan, jika salah satu operannya adalah bilangan floating-point, kita akan mendapatkan hasilnya juga berupa floating-point.

 In Java, (9 / 2) is 4 (9.0 / 2) is 4.5 (9 / 2.0) is 4.5 (9.0 / 2.0) is 4.5

% Operator Modulo

Operator modulo %menghitung sisanya. Saat a = 7dibagi dengan b = 4, sisanya adalah 3 .

Catatan : %Operator ini terutama digunakan dengan bilangan bulat.

2. Operator Penugasan Java

Operator penugasan digunakan di Java untuk menetapkan nilai ke variabel. Sebagai contoh,

 int age; age = 5;

Di sini, =adalah operator penugasan. Ini memberikan nilai di sebelah kanannya ke variabel di sebelah kirinya. Artinya, 5 ditetapkan ke usia variabel.

Mari kita lihat beberapa operator penugasan yang tersedia di Java.

Operator Contoh Setara dengan
= a = b; a = b;
+= a += b; a = a + b;
-= a -= b; a = a - b;
*= a *= b; a = a * b;
/= a /= b; a = a / b;
%= a %= b; a = a % b;

Contoh 2: Operator Penugasan

 class Main ( public static void main(String() args) ( // create variables int a = 4; int var; // assign value using = var = a; System.out.println("var using =: " + var); // assign value using =+ var += a; System.out.println("var using +=: " + var); // assign value using =* var *= a; System.out.println("var using *=: " + var); ) )


 var menggunakan =: 4 var menggunakan + =: 8 var menggunakan * =: 32

3. Operator Hubungan Java

Operator relasional digunakan untuk memeriksa hubungan antara dua operan. Sebagai contoh,

 // check is a is less than b a < b;

Di sini, >operator adalah operator relasional. Ia memeriksa apakah a kurang dari b atau tidak.

Ini mengembalikan trueatau false.

Operator Deskripsi Contoh
== Adalah sama dengan 3 == 5mengembalikan salah
!= Tidak sebanding dengan 3 != 5mengembalikan true
> Lebih besar dari 3> 5mengembalikan salah
< Kurang dari 3 < 5mengembalikan true
>= Lebih dari atau sama dengan 3>= 5mengembalikan salah
<= Kurang Dari atau Sama Dengan 3 <= 5mengembalikan salah

Contoh 3: Operator Relasional

 class Main ( public static void main(String() args) ( // create variables int a = 7, b = 11; // value of a and b System.out.println("a is " + a + " and b is " + b); // == operator System.out.println(a == b); // false // != operator System.out.println(a != b); // true //> operator System.out.println(a> b); // false // < operator System.out.println(a = operator System.out.println(a>= b); // false // <= operator System.out.println(a <= b); // true ) )

Catatan : Operator relasional digunakan dalam pengambilan keputusan dan loop.

4. Operator Logika Java

Operator logika digunakan untuk memeriksa apakah ekspresi adalah trueatau false. Mereka digunakan dalam pengambilan keputusan.

Operator Contoh Berarti
&& (Logis DAN) expression1 && expression2 true only if both expression1 and expression2 are true
|| (Logical OR) expression1 || expression2 true if either expression1 or expression2 is true
! (Logical NOT) !expression true if expression is false and vice versa

Example 4: Logical Operators

 class Main ( public static void main(String() args) ( // && operator System.out.println((5> 3) && (8> 5)); // true System.out.println((5> 3) && (8 < 5)); // false // || operator System.out.println((5 5)); // true System.out.println((5> 3) || (8 < 5)); // true System.out.println((5 < 3) || (8 3)); // false ) )

Working of Program

  • (5> 3) && (8> 5) returns true because both (5> 3) and (8> 5) are true.
  • (5> 3) && (8 < 5) returns false because the expression (8 < 5) is false.
  • (5> 3) || (8> 5) returns true because the expression (8> 5) is true.
  • (5> 3) && (8> 5) returns true because the expression (5> 3) is true.
  • (5> 3) && (8> 5) returns false because both (5 < 3) and (8 < 5) are false.
  • !(5 == 3) returns true because 5 == 3 is false.
  • !(5> 3) returns false because 5> 3 is true.

5. Java Unary Operators

Unary operators are used with only one operand. For example, ++ is a unary operator that increases the value of a variable by 1. That is, ++5 will return 6.

Different types of unary operators are:

Operator Meaning
+ Unary plus: not necessary to use since numbers are positive without using it
- Unary minus: inverts the sign of an expression
++ Increment operator: increments value by 1
-- Decrement operator: decrements value by 1
! Logical complement operator: inverts the value of a boolean

Increment and Decrement Operators

Java also provides increment and decrement operators: ++ and -- respectively. ++ increases the value of the operand by 1, while -- decrease it by 1. For example,

 int num = 5; // increase num by 1 ++num;

Here, the value of num gets increased to 6 from its initial value of 5.

Example 5: Increment and Decrement Operators

 class Main ( public static void main(String() args) ( // declare variables int a = 12, b = 12; int result1, result2; // original value System.out.println("Value of a: " + a); // increment operator result1 = ++a; System.out.println("After increment: " + result1); System.out.println("Value of b: " + b); // decrement operator result2 = --b; System.out.println("After decrement: " + result2); ) )


 Value of a: 12 After increment: 13 Value of b: 12 After decrement: 11

In the above program, we have used the ++ and -- operator as prefixes (++a, --b). We can also use these operators as postfix (a++, b++).

There is a slight difference when these operators are used as prefix versus when they are used as a postfix.

To learn more about these operators, visit increment and decrement operators.

6. Java Bitwise Operators

Bitwise operators in Java are used to perform operations on individual bits. For example,

 Bitwise complement Operation of 35 35 = 00100011 (In Binary) ~ 00100011 ________ 11011100 = 220 (In decimal)

Here, ~ is a bitwise operator. It inverts the value of each bit (0 to 1 and 1 to 0).

The various bitwise operators present in Java are:

Operator Description
~ Bitwise Complement
<< Left Shift
>> Right Shift
>>> Unsigned Right Shift
& Bitwise AND
^ Bitwise exclusive OR

These operators are not generally used in Java. To learn more, visit Java Bitwise and Bit Shift Operators.

Other operators

Besides these operators, there are other additional operators in Java.

Java instanceof Operator

The instanceof operator checks whether an object is an instanceof a particular class. For example,

 class Main ( public static void main(String() args) ( String str = "Programiz"; boolean result; // checks if str is an instance of // the String class result = str instanceof String; System.out.println("Is str an object of String? " + result); ) )


 Is str an object of String? true

Here, str is an instance of the String class. Hence, the instanceof operator returns true. To learn more, visit Java instanceof.

Java Ternary Operator

The ternary operator (conditional operator) is shorthand for the if-then-else statement. For example,

 variable = Expression ? expression1 : expression2

Here's how it works.

  • If the Expression is true, expression1 is assigned to the variable.
  • If the Expression is false, expression2 is assigned to the variable.

Let's see an example of a ternary operator.

 class Java ( public static void main(String() args) ( int februaryDays = 29; String result; // ternary operator result = (februaryDays == 28) ? "Not a leap year" : "Leap year"; System.out.println(result); ) )


 Leap year

In the above example, we have used the ternary operator to check if the year is a leap year or not. To learn more, visit the Java ternary operator.

Sekarang setelah Anda mengetahui tentang operator Java, sekarang saatnya mengetahui tentang urutan evaluasi operator. Untuk mempelajari lebih lanjut, kunjungi Java Operator Precedence.

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